Friday, October 09, 2009

NOLA Government Gets a Pay Raise

In my mind, raising the salaries of New Orleans City Councilmembers from $42,500 to about $83,507 per year is the right thing to do. The only people I know who would run for office on a salary as low as $42,500 are those who are so rich that the salary is not an issue, or those whose skill levels are so poor that a $42,500 salary in otherwise unattainable. And neither of these kinds of people would represent me. The folks on the City Council who supported this measure and who voted for it are to be commended. Now, maybe, some capable people might consider running for office. One can hope, right?


Eric said...

God, just think of how horrible our military must be with all those sub-$40K skill set people volunteering to work in it!

/sarcasm off

$40K seems a little high to me for a city council job.

Huck said...

Eric - New Orleans is a decent sized city. Being a City Councilmember is a full-time job - at least for anyone who takes the job seriously and responsibly and wants to do it right. I couldn't be a City Councilmember and do a good job at it and still support my family. As for the sub-$40K military personnel - let's take off the sarcasm hat and realize that military service has subsidies that don't come with a City Council job. Active duty military personnel can get their meals, their education, their housing, and their healthcare completely paid for by the taxpayer. When you look at it like that, a $40k salary that doesn't need to be used to pay for school, mortgages, healthcare, and food is not that bad a bad deal relatively speaking.

D-BB said...

Hey Hucky, as you can tell, Ghandi was wrong. (I know, that's above most people's heads but you know what I mean.)

Anyways Hucky, you say: As for the sub-$40K military personnel - let's take off the sarcasm hat and realize that military service has subsidies that don't come with a City Council job. Active duty military personnel can get their meals, their education, their housing, and their healthcare completely paid for by the taxpayer.

You neglected to mention snipers, terrorists, killers and all sort of assaults. Right, now I confused myself. Am I talking about Iraq or New Orleans???? Never mind.

Also, ain't that something about President Obama winning that Nobel Peace Trophy???? I bet if he went on Dancing With the Stars, he would win there to!