Thursday, August 15, 2002

Lagniappe - Don't forget to take your daily dose of Huey Freeman, the anti-Hero of Aaron McGruder's fabulous comic strip The Boondocks. Too bad the Times Picayune hasn't picked it up yet (or is afraid to do so). But the good thing is that you can have it emailed daily to your inbox. Don't miss it! ... Shifting gears ... Coming soon on The Huck Upchuck... The Weak in (National) Review, where you'll be introduced to, among other things, "The G-String" - where we'll strip down the skimpy threads of Jonah Goldberg's "columns"; "Impromptoupees" - where we'll look at whether there is any cranial substance to what Jay Nordlinger is writing about "off the top of his head" in his self-described "breezy" column; and "Huh?" - where we try to make sense of William F. Buckley Jr.'s conservative version of post-modernism's literary mumbo jumbo. ... Stay tuned!!

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