Sunday, May 04, 2003

The Weak in (National) Review - K-Lo's Halos - commentary on the sanctimonious self-righteousness of Kathryn Jean Lopez. In a recent post to the National Review's weblog, "The Corner," K-Lo has this little sentence:

They don't think a president having an affair and lying about it under oath, and dragging the country through ugliness and waste is anything that should affect one's professional life.
Ahem...I don't think Clinton was doing the dragging, dearie. I'm sure the man would have been content to keep the matter quite private. Your cherished Republicans did the dragging through ugliness and waste. And later on in this very same post, K-Lo writes regarding the relevance of William J. Bennett's gambling to his publications on moral conduct:
You know, there are conservatives who drink, too. And some are divorced. And...and that doesn't mean that their arguments or research (Bennett's "Leading Cultural Indictators," for instance), are somehow irrelevant because of them.
Take two: Let me try to fill in those ellipses:
You know, there are conservatives who drink, too. And some are divorced. And some have gay sex, commit adultery with their brothers-in-law, fornicate with interns in their offices, traumatize children with pictures of aborted fetuses, smoke pot, peek at pornography, drive drunk, wallop their wives, etc....and that doesn't mean that their arguments or research (Bennett's "Leading Cultural Indictators," for instance), are somehow irrelevant because of them.
In other words, do as I say and not as I do. Nice rationale, K-Lo. Forget about leading by example. I thought Conservatives despised such moral relativism. K-Lo may not be the most stringent and strident conservative voice at the National Review, but her writing is by far the most puerile. One thing's for sure, K-Lo: I'm glad you're not the mother of my children.

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