Tuesday, November 04, 2008

The Hucks Send Obama to the White House

The Hucks went together down to the voting station in our neighborhood's local public elementary school right after I got home from my radio show at about 8:15am or so. There are about 7 or 8 precincts set up in the school's cafeteria. The lines were larger than I had ever seen before, except for my precinct, which is among the smaller in the city. My wife and I were able to vote right away. And we each took one of our daughters in the voting booths with us. We proudly cast our votes for Obama. And then I asked someone to take our family picture in front of our voting booth after the deed was done. (See below) Cheesy, I know. But I just had to mark this moment with my family in some way. I know that memories for youngsters fade over time, and I want my daughters to know that they were there and were active participants when history was made.

1 comment:

Julie P said...

Its Julie from long ago at LAL writing.
It is so unbelievable to have Obama as President, and yet so not unbelievable all at the same time. I've always been hopeful this would happen. My years at Tulane opened my eyes a bit to race (and racism). I cried last night to see such a wonderful leader elected to be our President. I am the mother of a latina daughter and it is amazing to be able show her what people of color, all color, any color can accomplish.
I've been an avid reader of your blog all fall - thanks for the information.
Great picture of you and M and the girls - please give them (esp M) my regards. My partner took our daughter voting with her, and even though she is only 2 we wanted her to share in the history. Good for you for taking the time with D&E and the picture so they can always know they played a part as well.