Monday, November 19, 2007

Fred Thompson in Kenner??

Did anyone even know he was here?

Thompson defended his record on abortion following a speech to several dozen supporters at a hotel next to Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport.
Several dozen supporters?!?!? And this is the GOP rightwing's best hope? In a right-leaning Southern state? Methinks (as I knock on wood) the only way the Democrats can lose the presidential election a year from now is if they wrap it up, put on a shiny bow, and hand it to the GOP as an early Christmas present.


Anonymous said...

"Methinks (as I knock on wood) the only way the Democrats can lose the presidential election a year from now is if they wrap it up, put on a shiny bow, and hand it to the GOP as an early Christmas present."

That, or if they run Hillary.

Anonymous said...

"Methinks (as I knock on wood) the only way the Democrats can lose the presidential election a year from now is if they wrap it up, put on a shiny bow, and hand it to the GOP as an early Christmas present."

Like they haven't done that before...

Huck said...

P_F - If this is the kind of response generated by Thompson in Louisiana, even for a pit-stop visit, I think even if Hillary gets the nod, the Democrats will still win if they don't literally hand it away.

Anonymous said...

I think if my horse got the GOP nomination, he could beat Hillary (granted, Whiskey is a pretty cool effing horse, but still...) No way does Hillary win even one southern state, under any circumstances. Ron Paul could run her a close race.

Af for Thompson, he definitely isn't setting the world on fire, though he is currently my first choice. Rudy appears to be the frontrunner, but there's still a long way to go. Slow and steady wins the race.