Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Testifying Against HB 1205

Heading up to Baton Rouge tomorrow morning to testify against HB 1205 in front of the Louisiana House Judiciary Committee.

This Omnibus Immigration bill is the Louisiana version of draconian anti-illegal immigration legislation. Again, what shocks about this bill is that it potentially targets and threatens law-abiding citizens for essentially being kind or doing good deeds. Of course, the bill's proponents would never admit this, but the language in the legislation is purposefully vague enough such that this intention is clear.

Anyway, my planned testimony tomorrow focuses less on the philosophical or moral reasons for opposing this legislation (I'll let the Catholic Church lobby tackle that aspect of it), but more on the practical implications that such legislation is likely to have on colleges and universities. If I do get to testify, I'll put up my testimony in a separate blog posting.

As for the rest of you, I encourage you to read the bill and then contact your state representative, especially if he or she is on the State House Judiciary Committee, and express your opposition to this legislation.

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