Thursday, February 21, 2008

Obamariachi: Viva Obama!

My friend and colleague Gray has sent me via YouTube this wonderful mariachi song and video on behalf of the Obama campaign:

If anyone knows anything about traditional Mariachi music, then he or she would know that this video is pretty darn good as far as the genre goes.

A mis amigos latinos de Tejas, les suplico que, por favor, voten por Obama!


[UPDATE: Sunday, February 24, 2008, 10:30AM: I changed the title of this posting to reflect my creation of a new word for the Encyclopedia Baracktannica: Obamariachi!]


  1. Holy guacamole Hucky, if that's good, please don't post any bad Mariachi music!

  2. Speechless in a good way, Cynthia? Admittedly, it is a bit cheezy and admittedly the shot of Obama in his cowboy sombrero was a bit over the top, but I actually liked this video, in spite of everything. To me, it showed how deep his campaign strategy goes and how deep his support reaches. For a more contemporary pro-Obama video, along the lines of the Nueva Cancion tradition, check out the link oyster put up in the comments to my posting above on Puentes and LatiNola Votes! Hopefully this Obamariachi video didn't set back your consideration of Obama as an acceptable candidate! In any event, I'll be curious to chat with you about this.

  3. speechless in a "technology/popular culture still astounds me" kind of way. check this one out:

    wait until lou dobbs gets his hands on these...

  4. cynthia - that reggaeton youtube was awesome, too! I never thought of the rhyme between "como se llama" and Obama. It's a catchy rhyme. I'll have to feature this youtube clip in a separate blog posting, too. Gracias for introducing me to it.


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